I was camping one night, and I heard some talking going on outside. It was more like whispering, so I fell back asleep. This was at 4 o'clock in the morning. The other campers were telling the same story the next day.
The next night I was sleeping in a cabin because it rained a lot and we weren't prepared, so we rented a cabin.Anyway, I fell asleep and I heard the same whispering. My two other friends heard it, too.The whispering was right beside me, two people. (I'm pretty sure that it was two men, but we are not sure.)
They were saying, "Shhh. Don't talk too loud. We may wake them."
We were so scared. We didn't move.They stayed there saying the same thing over and over again for about one hour.
The next two nights it went on again, so we decided to do something about it. That night we told them to go away and leave us alone. We heard nothing more that night, and we went back to sleep.
Our last night there, I had the worst night of my life. I had nightmares, and I tossed and turned all night.At four o'clock I heard the same thing, but this time I felt a force on top of me and I couldn't breathe. I heard the whispering but this time right on top of me. I was gasping for breath, and this time I heard the whispering.
THEY said, "Shhhh. Don't say anything. We'll get in trouble. Shhh. Don't scream. Shhh."
This seemed like it took forever to be over, but it was only 2 minutes. I still have a hard time forgetting it, and I still am afraid of holding my breath because I passed out from lack of oxygen. That's when my friends woke up and revived me.

    The house I grew up in was full of many family tragedies -- lots of unhappy moments, very few happy or normal times.
I always felt there was a strange presence beyond the norm. This house also had strange sounds moans and groans. Mom's reasoning was that the house was built on top of a huge boulder.
After a divorce years later, I went back home with my children to live in this house again with my parents.The same odd feelings returned just as strong as ever. Needless to say I was terrified to be alone with just my babies who depended on me to take care of them.
Whenever my parents went out of town for the weekend, I would stay awake all night in total fear. By the time my parents would come home, I would be ready for the loony bin.
One weekend I decided to take control of myself. I told myself I was a grown women with lots of good sense and there are no such things as ghosts.
I went to bed that night fell into a deep sleep only to be awakened by a noise -- the sound of a foot stool dragging across the wooden floor of the living room.
I told myself I was imagining things again and that I would not allow myself to do this any more. I went back into a wonderful, deep sleep with no interruptions for the rest of the night.
I woke up the next morning proud of myself. I went into the living room to turn on the television for the children while I made their breakfast.Guess what? The foot stool was way on the other side of the room!