A young man  asked his friends to take a photo at place called Sundarbans.
While his friend took the photo, he screamed and fainted, 2 days later he died in the hospital.  The doctors said he diedfrom a heart attack. When the photos where developed, in the last photothere was a woman standing next to the young man,even though his friends said there was no one with him at the time the photo was taken.

   This guy had this date with this really cool girl, and all he could think about all night was taking her out and parking and having a really good time, so he takes her out in the country, stops the car, turns the lights off, puts the radio on, nice music; he's really getting her in the mood, and all of a sudden there's this news flash comes on over the radio and says to the effect that a sex maniac has just escaped from the state insane asylum and the one distinguishing feature of this man is that he has a hook arm, and in the first place this girl is really, really upset, 'cause she's just sure this guy is going to come and try and get in their car, so the guy locks all the doors and says it'll all be okay, but she says he could take his arm and break through the window and everything and she just cries and cries and goes just really frantic and the guy finally consents to take her home, but he's really mad 'cause you know he really had his plans for this girl, so he revs up the car and he goes torquing out of there and they get to her house, and he's really, really mad and he's not even going to get out of the car and open the door for her, and she just gets out on her own side of the car and as she gets out she turns around and looks and there's a hook hanging on the door.

   The phone rang as I was sitting down to my anticipated evening meal, and as
I answered it,I was greeted with, "Is this William Wagonhoss?"This didn't sound anything like my name, so I asked,
 "Who is calling?" The telemarketer said he was with The Rubberband-Powered Freezer Company or
something like that and then I asked him if he knew "William" personally, and why was he was calling this number.
    I then said off to the side, "Get really good pictures of the body and all the blood." I then turned back to the phone
 and advised the caller that he had entered a murder scene and must stay on the line because we had already
 traced this call and he would be receiving a summonsto appear in the local courthouseto testify in this murder case.
   Then I questioned the caller at great length as to his name, address, phone number at home, at work, whom he worked for/
 how he knew the dead guy, and could he prove where he had been about one hour before he made this call.
The telemarketer was getting very concerned and his answers were given in a shaky voice.  I proceeded to tell him
 we had located his position at his work place and the police were entering the building to take him into custody.
 At that point, I heard the phone fall and the scurrying of his running away.
   My wife asked me as I returned to our table, why I had tears streaming down
my face and so help me, I couldn't tell her for about fifteen minutes. My
meal was cold, but oh-so-very enjoyable!

Have you heard of this one? I am a student at Michigan State University and there is this rumor all over campus about a mass murder that is predicted to take place on Halloween (next weekend). This prediction was supposedly made on the Oprah show a couple of weeks ago by the same lady that predicted the OK bombing a couple of years ago. Have you heard anything about this? Everyone here is talking about it. It's in the paper, it's on the radio, and students here are frankly scared s**tless. Please let me know whether you know if this is an urban legend or if I should get out of town next weekend. Please reply ASAP. This is extremely important!

   A woman living in the city [Salt Lake] was visiting some friends in Ogden. When she got into her car in front of this friend's house, she noticed that a car started up right behind her car. It was about 2:00 in the morning, and there weren't any other cars on the road. After she had driven to the highway, she began to think that this car was following her. Some of the time he would drive up real close to her car, but he wouldn't ever pass. She was really scared to death and kept speeding to try to get away from him.
When she got to Salt Lake, she started running stop lights to get away from him, but he would run right through them too. So when she got to her driveway she pulled in really fast, and this guy pulled in right behind her. She just laid on the horn, and her husband came running out. Just then, the guy jumped out of the car, and her husband ran over and said, "What the hell's goin' on here?" So he grabbed the guy, and his wife said, "This man's followed me all the way from Ogden." The man said, "I followed your wife because I was going to work, and as I got into my car, I noticed when I turned my lights on, a man's head bob down in her back seat." So the husband went over to her backseat, opened the door, and pulled this guy from out of the backseat.

Call One of the Ball Brothers, of the canning jar family, had a great fear of being buried alive. He had a telephone installed in his tomb so he could call out if this happened to him. A few days after he died some of his wife's family got worried because they could only get a busy signal on her phone. Upon entering her home, they found her dead, a look of fright frozen on her face, clutching the phone. When they went to entomb her after the funeral a couple of days later, the phone inside the crypt was off the hook

   Two students had gone out to neck in a car on an isolated country road. Afterwards, the car wouldn't start. The girlfriend got spooked. The boyfriend said he would walk for help, but suggested she first get down on the floor of the car in the back and put a blanket over her so no one looking in would see her... and told her not to look out or get out until he returned and told her to, no matter what she heard. Then he walked off, leaving her hidden.
He didn't return, and he didn't return, and then she heard a strange tap-tap-tap sound on top of the car. Tap-tap-tap. Despite her growing panic, she didn't get out and remained huddled there, all night long, listening to the irregular tapping sounds.
Finally, the day grew light outside and she heard someone walking up to the car. A man's voice called out "Is anyone in there?" It was the local sheriff. She peeked out and he told her to get out of the car, walk down the road to the waiting sheriff's car, and whatever she did, not to look back at the car.
She walked down the road to the sheriff's car but looked back at the last minute and saw her boyfriend's head impaled on the CB antenna, dripping blood onto the car.

  An elderly woman receives a phone call on a dark, stormy night. She hears a moaning on the other end and a voice that sounds like her recently diseased husband. The calls torment her all night. The next day, she asks her driver to take her past the cemetery where her husband was laid to rest. They discover that during the storm, a phone line had fallen down ...........and was laying on her dead husbands grave! Were the phone calls she had received the night before made from beyond the grave by her dead husband? Another variation of this has the woman dying from shock in her bed after answering the phone call. Then, when she is being taken to the cemetery it is discovered that the phone line is laying on her husbands grave.

   A woman and her boyfriend were on their way home from somewhere (not important) one night, and suddenly his car ran out of gas. It was about one in the morning and they were completely alone in the middle of the nowhere.
The guy stepped out of the car, saying comfortingly to his girlfriend, "Don't worry, I'll be right back. I'm just going to go out for some help. Lock the doors, though."
She locked the doors and sat restlessly, waiting for her boyfriend to come back. Suddenly, she sees a shadow fall across her lap. She looks up to see... not her boyfriend, but a strange, crazed looking man. He is swinging something in his right hand.
He sticks his face close to the window and slowly pulls up his right hand. In it is her boyfriend's decapitated head, twisted horribly in pain and shock. She shuts her eyes in horror and tries to make the image go away. When she opens her eyes, the man is still there, grinning psychotically. He slowly lifts his left hand, and he is holding her boyfriend's keys. To the car.